Kimball Office and Kimball Health products can help you meet the goal of the Healthier Hospitals Version 2.0 Guidelines Safer Chemical Challenge for Healthy Interiors to ensure that 30% of the annual volume of furnishing and furniture purchases (based on cost) eliminate formaldehyde, perflourinated compounds, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), antimicrobials, and all flame retardants from your facility
About Healthier Hospitals Initiative

The Healthier Hospitals Initiative (HHI) was originally founded by twelve of the largest, most influential U.S. health systems, comprising over 500 hospitals with more than $20 billion in purchasing power, along with Practice Greenhealth, Health Care Without Harm and the Center for Health Design to create a guide for hospitals to reduce energy and waste, choose safer and less-toxic products, and purchase and serve healthier foods.
With these twelve founding systems as anchors, the Initiative boasted more than 1,200 enrollees and used data to drive sector performance improvement. As a comprehenbsive, sector-wide initiative, it is fully consistent with and builds upon the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Triple Aim – Better Health, Better Care and Lower Costs, and institutes frameworks and implementation tools that can be used by every health care facility in the nation.
Due to the momentum and success of the Initiative, Healthier Hospitals has become a permanent free program of Practice Greenhealth. HH will continue to use data to engage around proven environmental strategies and lead communities to a healthier future.
The six Challenge areas have been reviewed, updated and refreshed – and the new measures are being introduced in 2015! Together we will continue to lead our communities and our nation on a path to a healthier future.