Technology Products, Services and Solutions
Optimize individual and team productivity with purpose-built healthcare solutions designed with input from healthcare professionals. UI adapts computing, printing and imaging solutions to meet specific healthcare requirements and operate seamlessly in acute care, ambulatory, and field environments. For more information about our Technology Services and Document Solutions for Healthcare contact us today.
Enable providers and empower patients with patient-centered care
Computing Products
Enable everyone on the team—doctors, nurses, finance, operations, and administrative staff—to work better, faster, and smarter with Tablets, PCs, thin clients, digital displays, and print technologies.
Printing and workflow management
Through the application of digitization and printing workflow analyses, UI can show you how technology and associated software and services can help you find ways to cut the waste out of paper intensive processes and continually improve and manage the underlying infrastructure.
Patient communications
Convincing members to make specific modifications to behavior, such as favoring generic drugs and changing their eating, exercise, and other health-related habits, requires a strong rapport and trust; and this can only be achieved with solid customer service and highly consistent and relevant healthcare communications.
technology services