Think about spreading it beyond the walls of your company?
You know how the annual holiday party always brings a smile to your employees’ faces. What if this year you brought that same smile to the faces of people who aren’t your employees? Over the years, more and more companies and their employees have been participating in events that help them do just that for those in need in their area. It’s a great way to celebrate the holidays and give something to those less fortunate.

Create a Giving Tree
Charities are always in need of donations, especially during the holiday season. A Giving Tree is a wonderful way for employees to experience the joy of giving. All you need is a Christmas tree and a list of items your local charities need. Write the items on colored tags and hang them on the tree. Employees can then select a tag, purchase that item, wrap it, and place it under the tree. Then right before the holidays, you can ask for a few volunteers to bring the items to the charity to be handed out.
If you don’t want to add to your employees already long holiday shopping lists, you can always ask that they just donate money or gift cards instead. And then right before the holidays start, have a company meeting and announce how much money you collected for the charity. They’ll appreciate knowing that because of them the holidays will be a little brighter for someone less fortunate.
Sponsor a Family
Contact a local homeless shelter or a shelter for abused women and children. Ask for the wish list for a few of the families staying there. Then divide your office into groups and give each group a family to buy for. This is a great opportunity for people from different departments to work together and spread some joy to the people who need it the most.

Hold a Silent Auction
If your company is having a holiday party, add a silent auction to the festivities. It’s a great way to have fun and raise money for a local charity at the same time. Of course, your company will have to purchase the items being auctioned off or ask local businesses/clients to donate them. But it’s a really fun way to raise donations.
Sign up for a Local Charity Event
Find out if there are any events happening in your area to support charities. Then sign up your company as a team. If there aren’t any events happening, consider volunteering for a local food bank or soup kitchen.