Kimball Office‘s new seating solution can create positive experiences throughout your workspace.
NeoCon is upon us! In advance of the show, we’ll be featuring some of our favorite new products. Below, get to know Kimball Office’s new Pairings seating solution, and stay tuned for more product coverage now through June.
How will Pairings impact the workplace?
Pairings supports individual (introverted or heads down work), and open collaboration. It allows users to have a WOW space that’s effective! Pairings addresses certain workspace problems, including concerns for open communication, acoustics, easy power connections and personal privacy. It can be combined with existing or new systems furniture and media for expanded work and meeting spaces.
How does it contribute to “new ways of working”?
The workplace is changing rapidly, with new technology and changing human expectations. Fresh design thinking is required to explore new products that support this change. Pairings is a family of seating components that can easily be crafted together to create formal or informal settings that support today’s spaces within spaces work environments.