Alterna Supports the Healthcare Transformation
Alterna Supports the Healthcare Transformation
Try to imagine how the practice of medicine will transform in the next 10 to 20 years – will there be high-tech full body scans, an iPad in the hand of every practitioner, and hologram versions of yourself being beamed into the homes of your patients?
Not likely, but rising costs and increasing demands on the healthcare system will surely force a transformation of the facility and the care expected not only for patients, but for their families as well.
Flexibility must be a basic feature of any new health care facility to keep it from rapid obsolescence in the face of changing needs and technologies. Health care facility needs are evolving rapidly, and the direction of that evolution is difficult to forecast with any certainty.
While the role of furniture in the facility is to be functional, durable, and most of all comfortable for the patient and their family, the facility also influences employee service attitudes and behaviors. Finishes, signage, and artwork must be carefully selected, well-coordinated, and integrated.
Thoughtful design can help ensure the proper first impression is created and sustained In the past when you enter a healthcare facility, after your check-in with the receptionist behind a wall with a little transaction counter window, you take an uncomfortable seat in the waiting room for a significant amount of your day. When you eventually get called in to see the doctor, you enter a hallway behind the door which appears to be a very uncomfortable, cold and sterile environment.
Well, get ready for a whole new feel as Healthcare in the United States is currently undergoing the most extreme transformational paradigm shift in a century.
The healthcare furniture industry is pushing the boundaries by embedding principles of adaptability, flexibility and mobility. Kimball specifically adapted our products to coordinate along with these three principles for the healthcare industry.
Specifically, Alterna, the latest product offering added to the Kimball portfolio.
Alterna supports an entire medical facility because it is a line of modular casework. The options are limitless with Alterna as it is suited to fit the needs of spaces like lounge/waiting, registration, nurse’s stations, cafes, and patient rooms.
Alterna also spans beyond standard patient environments, waiting places and caregiver spaces. Customizable solutions for breakrooms, conference spaces, and even administrative areas are all possible in Alterna’s spectrum of products.
A broad offering of finishes and options brings the warmth and personality of home into the space making the stay feel more comfortable and enjoyable. Visit here to learn more about Alterna.